crime stoppers

If you have any information on a crime occurring or that has occurred in Richmond County, please call the Richmond County Crime Stoppers at (804) 333-TIPS (8477). You do not have to give your name and your phone call will not be recorded. You will be given a code number to protect your identity.

If the information you give is useful to the Sheriff's Office, you could receive a reward up to $1,000.00. 

Submit a Tip Online! Go to or download the mobile TipSubmit app for android or iPhones to learn more.  Both are anonymous but powerful tools in helping your community. 

You may also simply text the word TIPS RC along with the information you wish to share to the number 274637.


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Mon Mar 10 @ 7:00PM -
Planning Commission Meeting- CANCELLED
Thu Mar 13 @ 9:00AM -
Board of Supervisors Meeting
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