The Planning and Zoning department serves as the technical staff to the Board of Supervisors, Board of Zoning Appeals, and the Planning Commission and assists these bodies in establishing and implementing land use and development policies for the county.  Staff assist developers and other members of the public in understanding and complying with the county's land use and development policies.  They review development proposals and applications for consistency with adopted county plans and policies and develop recommendations for action by approving authorities.  They will conduct public outreach efforts when appropriate to obtain public input on development proposals.  

The county's Comprehensive Plan is updated and maintained in this office in compliance with State law and planning studies of specific areas of the county or particular planning issues are prepared where necessary or directed by the Board of Supervisors.


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Mon Aug 05 @ 7:00PM -
Planning Commission Meeting
Thu Aug 08 @ 9:00AM -
Board of Supervisors Meeting
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