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If there is a public hearing scheduled, the notice will be published in the Northern Neck News prior to the meeting and posted below.                                                                  

Pursuant to Section 28.2-1302 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the Richmond County Wetlands Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., Public Meeting Room, 101 Court Circle, Warsaw, Virginia, in order to consider the following applications for a Richmond County Wetlands Permit:

· Gerald Pasedag, Warsaw, VA has applied for permission to construct 115 linear feet of timber bulkhead channelward of existing bulkhead along their Rappahannock River shoreline, located at 4401 Naylors Beach Road, and further identified as Parcel 12D of Tax Map 14. (VMRC#24-1495)

All interested parties will be afforded the opportunity to be heard and are requested to submit a concise written statement and/or attend the Public Hearing to offer oral comments. The aforementioned application is on file in the office of the Land Use Administrator.